Maricar, a JFA Bible Worker in the Philippines, always cooked the perfect amount of rice for herself and her family. She measured the same amount each time, enough to fill most of the pot when it was cooked. One evening, Maricar measured the same amount of rice she always made, but when the rice was ready this time, the pot was almost overflowing! Maricar wondered how this could have happened.
As she and her family ate dinner, unexpected guests, a group of children from her village, came by. Maricar asked them if they had eaten yet. They had not, so she invited them in. As she watched the kids eat, Maricar realized that God knew those children would come to her house for dinner; He must have doubled what she cooked.
Maricar has started cooking enough food for the kids and inviting them to eat and worship together. “Since then, I have felt more and more that God has never neglected us,” she said. “He has always been at our side, proving His faithfulness to us, His children.”
Please pray for Maricar and her ministry to these kids and others in her village. May God greatly increase the number of believers like He increased the rice in Maricar's pot.
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-Contributed by Jesus for Asia