A Bible Worker Story

*Representative photo
Before becoming a JFA Bible Worker, Rahul* and his family had a ministry teaching literacy classes and sharing Jesus with others. One day, Rahul and his family were out doing this ministry when they ran into trouble.
A man from an anti-Christian group saw what Rahul was doing and started filming him. He sent the video to his friends and roused them to come and put a stop to it.
As an unfriendly crowd gathered, Rahul asked his family to take his Bible and hide. If he was beaten or killed, it did not matter, but he did not want his family to suffer. His son quickly sent a message to a friend explaining the situation.
Suddenly, he was surrounded by a mob of angry men, some carrying weapons. They grabbed him by his collar, his pants, and his hair–anywhere they could–and dragged him to a different place.
There, they beat him, questioned him, and prepared a tree on which to hang him. They even found his wife and children.
As Rahul recounted the story to our team, he became emotional, thinking of how Jesus had been beaten for his sake.
During his worst moments, when his injuries became so severe he could hardly see, God reminded him of His promises in Psalm 91 and Psalm 23.
“Your desire be fulfilled, not my desire,” he cried to God. “You saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fire… also save me from this situation.”
He did not know how, but before the mob could carry out their plan, dozens of police officers arrived. The police took him and his family away. Although they treated him roughly, to Rahul, they seemed like angels.
The police questioned Rahul and then took him to a hospital to have his wounds treated. They seemed to appreciate his community service but still had to complete their investigation. They even asked Rahul’s ministry contacts if he had paid them to hear his message or become Christians. Eventually, Rahul was able to return home.
Rahul has never stopped sharing Jesus with others, even amidst other difficulties, including serious health issues. Today, he serves as a JFA Bible Worker, working faithfully for God.
“Before I die,” Rahul said, “I desire to preach to each and every one about the life God has given me. I will preach to everyone so that nobody will be exempted; I will preach so that no one will perish.”
Rahul requests prayers for the people in Jammu, India, where he serves. Previously, a lot of people were interested in learning about Jesus; however, the anti-Christian groups have scared many away, and only ten remain. Please pray for God to bring courage and conviction to those who have left and for God to reach even the hearts of those in the anti-Christian groups. Please also pray for his health.
We praise God for saving Rahul’s life and sustaining and growing his faith through this terrible persecution. Incidents like this are not uncommon in the area where Rahul serves. He and his fellow Bible Workers risk persecution every time they go out to share Jesus. Yet, they continue because of the value they see in Jesus and His sacrifice for them.
Please continue to pray for all our Bible Workers that God may protect and use them for His glory. If God is leading you to invest in their ministries and help support them financially, please click the button below.
-Contributed by Jesus for Asia