A Bible Worker Story

Lukas and his wife Hannah, two JFA Bible Workers, were assigned to work in a new city with no Seventh-day Adventist presence. Initially, they faced many difficulties, but they faithfully continued to serve and eventually brought 17 people to Christ.
As Lukas and Hannah started introducing people to Jesus, they started having church each Sabbath in their rented house. At first, they had only one or two people, but the number grew and grew. By the time they had 17 members, the landlord started to notice. The devil stirred up anger in the landlord’s heart, and the man decided to stop the church services.
“No, you cannot worship here,” the landlord told Lukas and Hannah one Sabbath. “I gave the house for you, not for a church! All of you, get out of here immediately!”
Lukas, Hannah, and the church members did leave the house. But they did not let this trial stop them from worshipping. Every Sabbath, they continued coming to the house. Although they were not allowed inside, the 19 believers knelt in the yard and prayed. They had searched all over town for another home to worship in, but every person denied them. So, they decided, why not pray for the landlord to have a change of heart?
God answered the members’ prayers and softened the landlord’s heart. He allowed them to have church in the house again, and he and his family started attending. Lukas, Hannah, and the church members were so amazed to see this. The landlord even offered to renovate the house to create a larger space for the believers to worship.
Since then, the conference has purchased land, and the church members are praying for the construction of their new church.
God is so good. He turned what the enemy meant for evil into a beautiful testimony for the church members, the landlord, and his family. We praise God for His faithfulness and the leadership of Lukas and Hannah in this congregation.
Please continue to pray for Lukas and Hannah and the growing work in their city. Please also pray for God to make their new church building a testimony.
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- Contributed by Jesus for Asia