Twelve-year-old Raj is his parents’ only child. His parents tried for many years to have a child but were unsuccessful. When Raj was born, his parents were so happy! He became their pride and joy. Whatever Raj wanted, Raj got; they could not imagine telling him no.
One day, Raj asked if he could go to the nearby evening school. Raj’s parents were devout Hindus; they didn’t like other religions, but they could not deny their baby. So they said yes.
Raj loved the evening school. Every day, he came early. He learned all the songs. He even started going to church every Sabbath. Raj sang and prayed to God at home, but his parents never stopped him. They watched what he was doing, saw that he enjoyed it, and that was enough.
At the evening school, Brother Baskar, the principal overseeing all the area evening schools, asked Raj about his family. Raj told Brother Baskar about his family’s Hindu background.
“May I come to your house and pray?” Brother Baskar asked him.
“Yes, please come,” Raj replied.
Soon after, Brother Baskar came to Raj’s home for a visit. Since their son was bringing him, Raj’s parents welcomed him in. As they got to know Brother Baskar, they started to like him a lot; they never told him “no” either.

Brother Baskar started sharing the love of God with Raj’s parents. They listened, but for a long time, they did not accept the messages he shared. Then, one Sabbath, Raj invited his parents to come to church with him, and they came! Brother Baskar was very surprised to see them.
“Very soon, we will accept this wonderful God, Jesus, who is the living God,” They told him. They are very thankful to learn about Jesus.
God can really use anyone to lead people to Christ. Even a spoiled kid. How can we doubt His ability to use us, whatever limitations or fears we might have?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16
Please pray for Raj’s family to accept Jesus fully and for the evening school teachers and principals throughout India to continue sharing Christ’s love with the students and their families.
-Contributed by Jesus for Asia