Discipleship project Evangelismo Kids is based on a continuous training and it intends to strengthen the little ones' missionary spirit so that they become preachers and fishers of other children for Christ.
The training process will allow participants to acknowledge and feel that doing mission is like living “a wonderful trip” with “four main stops,” which are the areas to develop: Intercessory Prayer, Missionary Pairs, Small Groups, and Child Preachers.
Bella Bastidas, Children's Ministries leader in the South of the country (South Ecuador Mission Adventists), stated that: “Evangelismo Kids is designed to strengthen new generations in our church. We focus on Small Groups. Here we will have the chance to use manuals, do workshops, activities, and recreation. That is why we see it as a powerful tool for advancing the mission, since our children are part of the evangelization plan in our church”.

Throughout this year, in all the mission districts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from the Southern part of the country, this discipleship project will be being carried out for 6-12 year-old children with their parents' and Children's Ministries local leaders' cooperation.