An Invitation to Pray
Prayer sometimes feels like a small thing. We don’t always see measurable results; even when we do, they often take time. And yet, the Bible says that prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do (Psalm 107:28-30, John 14:13-14, Matthew 7:7, Mark 11:24). In Christ’s Object Lessons, Mrs. White references Hebrews 11:33, saying, “Prayer moves the arm of omnipotence, Prayer has ‘subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.'” (172.4) With that in mind, we invite you to join us in prayer for several new opportunities. We are still at the initial stages for each of these projects, gathering information and praying for God’s direction. Although we cannot yet share many details, your prayers give God permission to work in His own way in these places. “There is power in prayer. When men work, they work. but when men pray, God works.” ― Angus Buchan, Faith Like Potatoes.
We would love to have you be a part of these projects through prayer.
150 Churches for Sale

Church leaders in southern India recently informed us that a denomination is pulling out of their area and selling their 150 churches for the price of the land. This area has a large need for Adventist work. Purchasing even some of these churches and placing Bible workers there could give us a foothold in these communities. We would have the opportunity to share Bible truths, such as the Sabbath, with the previous church members and reach out to the non-Christian majority.
Missionaries for East Asia

We recently received a request from someone in a closed East Asian country requesting volunteers to serve as “tentmaker” teachers or “Waldensian" students. The local church would like to bring in people with Bible training to help their ministry efforts.
Airport and Boat in Indonesia

Because Indonesia is made up of islands, planes or boats are often the only way to travel to far-off places. Our missionaries in Indonesia have been developing an aviation ministry over the last few years. They were recently offered the use of a small abandoned airport. If they can fix it up and maintain it, they can have free access to it. They also have a dream of purchasing a boat to be used as a medical relief vessel for people in far-flung places.
Center of Influence in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is a popular tourist destination in Thailand. Its 1.5 sq km old city is especially popular among both Thai people and foreigners. The Chiang Mai Seventh-day Adventist Church is located near the old city, and at the front of the property is a building that we hope to turn into a center of influence. One possibility is to open a restaurant with tasty and healthy food. A family from the U.S. is praying about going to Thailand to start a ministry like this.
Confidence in God's Promises
When Joshua and Caleb spied out the promised land, they returned as the only men who trusted in the Lord. After rebuking the other spies, God promised Caleb that he would live through the 40 years in the wilderness and be given an inheritance in Canaan (See Numbers 13, 14, and Joshua 14). Forty-five years later, when the time was right, he confidently claimed his inheritance. He trusted God’s promises so much that he decided to go against the giants, the very people the other spies feared in Numbers 13.
God’s promises are just as sure for us today as they were for Caleb. In addition to praying for open doors, wisdom, and resources, we invite you to join us in praying that we will have the confidence that Caleb had, confidence that what may seem impossible to man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). If these dreams and opportunities are from God, He will make them happen.
Lord willing, we will share updates on these opportunities soon. In the meantime, thank you for your prayers. They truly mean the world to us.
If you are interested in helping Jesus for Asia start new projects like these or others, you can give to our Unreached People Seed Fund by clicking the button below.