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Mission Caleb volunteers arrived at Santa Rosa del Aguaray, in Paraguay, to preach the word of God

This year, the Adventist Church in Paraguay has joined forces to bring the word of God to Santa Rosa del Aguaray, a city in northern Paraguay, where there is no Adventist temple.
To achieve that goal, we have worked with biblical instructors in the area and a team of Adventist volunteers from "A Year in Mission" (OYIM) has been set up. In addition, in this winter vacation, the participants of Mission Caleb joined this challenge to preach about a love that can transform lives and entire communities.
The union is strength

This was a joint work between the team of volunteers from the missionary district of Pedro Juan Caballero and 17 young participants of Caleb Internacional, who arrived from São Luís, Maranhão, in Brazil, after traveling 3,397 km to reach Paraguay.
"We are very happy to be able to come from so far away and talk about God's love for other people," said Willian Stephânio dos Santosasi, a pastor who takes care of the team. "Jesus reached the heart of each of us and in the same way we want other people to know about Him," he said.
In total, there were 117 Caleb Mission volunteers who were divided into 6 preaching points. For three weeks, activities were carried out to testify about God's love and leave a mark on the area.
Goals achieved

They reached more than 1000 people in the community, through solidarity actions, recreational spaces, clothing donations, visitation to Bible students and public evangelism. Every night they saw the work of the Holy Spirit, as was the case in the San Isidro area.

"One of the evangelism points had a maximum space for 120 people. As the days go by, we have seen how the Holy Spirit has been working. Right now, there is no more room. More than 200 people gather every night. Our heart is filled with gratitude to see the miracles of our Heavenly Father," said Patricia Barreto, national coordinator of the Youth Ministry.
A youth who surrenders to the hands of God can overcome the greatest challenges, mentions Pastor Heberson Licar, director of the Youth Ministry of the Paraguayan Union, administrative headquarters of the Adventist Church in the country. Who also adds, "We dreamed of having a church in this area. We finished the Mission Caleb project of Santa Rosa del Aguaray with 203 people who decided to be baptized, 3 formed congregations and a club of conquerors. Even one of the people who has been baptized has donated a piece of land for the construction of the temple. Without a doubt, God's plans are wonderful and much better than ours."
"We thank God for these conquests, the shepherds who worked on time and out of time, putting all their strength into the preaching of the gospel. We also thank our young people who, instead of resting on their vacation, decided to leave their comfort zone and do very crazy things for Christ," Pastor Licar concluded.
See more photos of the campaign, below: