Local church leaders in India introduced some of our team to Karthik* and Anaya* last month. They are the only Seventh-day Adventists in their entire area. Several people came for worship when they learned our team from America was there, and they enjoyed sweet fellowship.

Anaya specializes in early childhood education. She previously helped another church organization start a school, which is running well today. Since Karthik and Anaya live in a more affluent area, the school has even become self-supporting.
The idea for this new SDA school is to start an early childhood education center to teach preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten-age students for around three hours per day.
Karthik and Anaya have been searching for a suitable property to build a school. Land in this area is selling fast, so we don't know which piece will be available when we have the funds to purchase. Here is one option:

The local Region Director (like conference presidents for areas with few churches) is excited about this idea. When our team visited to discuss the possibility of building this school, community members came to express their interest, and the Director was very pleased.

We are also excited about this idea because it is an excellent opportunity to reach a group of people who are often neglected in India. Most SDA church work in India is toward the poorer people, who are usually quite receptive to the Gospel. Through this new school, we can reach out to people from different economic and social spheres who sadly cannot be reached in the same manner as those from poorer backgrounds.
Mrs. White shared this quote about reaching out to the higher classes:
Mistakes have been made in not seeking to reach ministers and the higher classes with the truth. People not of our faith have been shunned altogether too much. While we should not associate with them to receive their mold, there are honest ones everywhere for whom we should labor cautiously, wisely, and intelligently, full of love for their souls. A fund should be raised to educate men and women to labor for these higher classes, both here and in other countries.—Testimonies for the Church 5:580, 581.
The property will cost an estimated $50,000, and the school will cost an estimated $40,000 to build. We would like to purchase the land before the current national election season in India ends. (It started today, April 19, and lasts for six weeks.) After the elections, land prices, especially in this area, are expected to soar.
Please pray that God will open doors to purchase this property according to His will. Please also pray for Karthik and Anaya’s ministry and for the people in their community to be open to the Gospel.
If God is leading you to help get this new school started (even in a small way), please click the button below!
-Contributed by Jesus for Asia