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As the only child of a Hindu priest, Anandan spent much of his childhood going with his father to the temple, learning all the Hindu mantras and pujas (prayers).
One day, when he was grown but still living at home, he became very sick. He started to lose weight and grew weaker and weaker until he had difficulty eating and walking. He went to the hospital, and the doctors told him he had a serious infectious disease. Anandan was discouraged. Would he ever recover?
Around this time, two JFA Bible Workers knocked on his family’s door to tell them about Jesus and ask if they could pray for them. His mother did not have any faith in the Bible Workers’ prayers, but Anandan told them about his illness and requested their prayers for his health. When they prayed for him, Anandan started to feel a little better. He started to have faith that Jesus would heal him. The Bible Workers continued to pray daily for Anandan and his family. After a few days, Anandan returned to the hospital, where the doctors told him he had nearly recovered.
“Now I am completely cured,” Anandan said. “The idol in the temple didn’t cure me, but the Lord delivered me. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Praise God for sending the Bible Workers to Anandan when he most needed their prayers. Please pray for Anandan’s faith in Jesus to continue to grow and for his whole family to accept Jesus.
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-Contributed by Jesus for Asia