Written by Jcon Contemplo, a Bible Worker in Mindoro, Philippines

“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.” John 14:16
One Friday afternoon, I was walking the three hours to the village of Kanruan. Dusk was approaching, and I was completely alone in the jungle mountains. As I looked at the scenery of the mountains far from me, tears began to fill my eyes. I know for a fact that in these ridges of mountains, there are no missionaries to reach the people who live there: missionaries who will go against all odds, missionaries who will sacrifice their comforts and food for the sake of these people, missionaries who will sacrifice even the taste of their success and follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. I know the people in these mountains are still absorbed in their animistic beliefs and traditions. So I prayed.

“Lord, I know that you have a wonderful plan of salvation. I cannot do it all alone. I cannot do it all by myself. I have only limited capacity to reach. My prayer Lord is that You send someone who will be able to bear Your mission even alone, even if this is not the pattern“ (referring to Jesus sending out workers two by two). While I prayed, I was reminded that I was not alone. I am not alone.
“You’re not alone, Jcon. God is here for you.”
I know that God was there to comfort me in my mission journey. I know that God will send His angels to walk with me and by my side along the way.
Sometimes we are too busy thinking about ourselves: What shall we do for a living? Where shall we go to find a greener pasture? How can we be like the world with their latest fashion trends, their education, and so on?Friends, fame and belongings do not last for a long time. I’ve been there. I’ve experienced it. But I did not find a true sense of success and fulfillment. The time will come when all of these things will be nothing, but the only thing that will last is CHARACTER. That’s why it is so important for us to consider and meditate on this character building, character that will last long, that will last for eternity.
Jesus is soon to come. Are we ready for the time of trouble that is approaching? Can our faith endure this kind of test? May we be filled with heavenly meditations so when time gets worse, we are ready to take the right stand for Jesus’ second return.
I pray that we may fulfill the mission plan that God gives each of us.
Editor’s Note: God has a plan to reach the world, including the villagers on the vast mountains that brought Jcon to tears. He could do this work without us, but He’s given us the privilege to participate. As you consider Jcon’s words, we invite you to join us in praying for those God is calling to have the willingness and courage to set aside worldly things and seek His will for their lives–the willingness and courage to take up the Gospel commission in places where Jesus is unknown.
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