A story from Mindoro Outreach, Mindoro, Philippines, by Nilda Mamburao

As a young co-laborer of Christ, I have also experienced being a doctor. During my summer vacation, I was assigned to a village named Tuban, where I had an encounter with a fourteen-year-old girl; she was only five years younger than me. I noticed that she rarely mingles with the other villagers. So, one afternoon I decided to visit her and found her alone. I greeted her and asked where her family was. She said they were not yet home because they were still in the mountains [most likely planting or gathering food]. We talked for a short time, and then her family arrived. Her parents were very grateful because I visited their home. I asked them why, and they explained the saddening situation of their beloved girl. She was ill and could no longer walk; they didn’t know what to do. They had already done everything they could, but nothing had changed. I asked them to show me, and I couldn’t quite tolerate the sight. The flesh of her right hip was rotten and smelled so bad. The infection had spread so far and deep that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to help, but God is not ignorant of His children. He reminded me quickly that charcoal can be used as medicine. The next day, I returned to her and applied a charcoal poultice to her wound. I did it three times, and then I taught them how to do it on their own because I was leaving for our mission headquarters. We were back to school again, so we could only have Sabbath visits in the villages. After a month, I was able to go back to Tuban. I had just taken my seat in the place I was staying when someone knocked on our door. It was the girl who I had tried to help! I warmly welcomed her in. My heart beat so fast when she came in, and tears began falling because it was really her! Before, I was hopeless that she would be able to walk properly, but now she was walking as if nothing had happened. I told her we should thank our Almighty Father in heaven because I thought we’d never meet again. While we were talking, my heart was in tears because she knew nothing about my prayers for her every day. It was God who made her well and whole again! As of now, let us pray for my friend to allow God to reign in her life and her home. She is still reluctant to learn about our God. Despite this, I am excited about what God will do next in this story. I believe that her initiative to come to me every time I visit their place is God’s opportunity to show Himself and save my friend.
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