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God Brings Future Bible Worker Back to Life

Writer's picture: Jesus for AsiaJesus for Asia

The following story was shared by Judy Skandunas. Her husband Dennis just finished painting 14 churches in India that Jesus for Asia is helping to reopen in February. Jeba, the Bible Worker featured in this story, has been helping Dennis and Judy and serving as their translator.

Dennis repainting one of the churches. God blessed and provided a break in the heavy monsoon season so churches #8-14 could be finished quickly.

Dennis with some kids from one village where he was painting

One of the repainted churches the first Sabbath after it was reopened

As a one-year-old baby, Jeba had dysentery for three months. However, many attempts to find help failed, and she died. Her family began preparations for her cremation, but Jeba's aunty, the only Christian in an otherwise Hindu family (her father was a Hindu priest), prayed that the God of heaven would slowly bring life to her. Jeba's birth name was the name of one of the very many Hindu gods. "Slowly, slowly," the breath of life returned. As time went by, the Lord demonstrated "so many miracles over my life - God is good," Jeba shared. 

Dennis with Jeba and her family–Jeba's praying aunty is on the right.

During 12th grade, Jeba attended a Christian school where her teachers showed love and care for her. She became very discouraged when learning became challenging and attempted suicide by taking more than 20 sleeping pills, which caused her to go into a coma. Through the mighty power of God and the prayers of her teachers and Christian aunty, after three days, Jeba "slowly, slowly" regained consciousness.

Over a period of a couple of years, she regained her strength and health. She took Bible studies from a pastor and was baptized. She chose the name Jeba, which means "prayer," rather than her birth name.

"My dad [is] slowly, slowly changing [to] SDA, seeing [with his] own eye all the miracles," Jeba said. Jeba completed a degree in civil engineering, working for a few years in the field. When she saw the call to become a Jesus for Asia Bible Worker, she participated in the Section training and embraced this new walk with the Lord, even though it meant a significant cut in income. 

"Jeba has been a blessing to us," Judy shared, "and [she] will be to the village that has just been assigned to her...where she will live and minister."

Jeba at her newly-assigned church

Some of our team members also met Jeba and were impressed by her friendly, helpful attitude. We pray God will bless her work tremendously, as well as that of her fellow Bible Workers.

Please join us in praying for Jeba and her fellow Bible Workers. We have already seen evidence of God working in their area (read the story here), but we know the enemy is unhappy and will do anything to stop or slow the work. Thankfully, God is bigger! He has great plans for this place, and we cannot wait to see what He will do next. 

Please prayerfully consider investing in the ministries of Bible Workers like Jeba, who sacrifice daily to work for God. Your support helps them share the Gospel with others as their full-time job. Fully sponsoring a Bible Worker costs around $100 per month, but gifts of any size are always welcome. 

If God is leading you to help financially support Bible Workers in India, please click the button below.

-Contributed by Jesus for Asia


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