Many people have been begging us to start work in Pakistan, which has the fifth-largest population in the world, and God is now opening the way to hire Bible Workers there. These new Bible Workers have a powerful backstory we hope will be a blessing to you.

Andrew* grew up in a Catholic family. He remembers going to church with his family every morning as a child to kneel before statues of Jesus and mother Mary to pray. Andrew's father, a priest, often took him to listen when he preached in nearby villages. When Andrew grew up, he married a Catholic woman, and they continued their Catholic traditions. They prayed almost daily but didn't really study the Bible.
A few years ago, Andrew met a man on Facebook who asked him two questions he had never considered before: Why do Catholics bow before statues? And why do they not worship on the Sabbath? Andrew told his friend what his family and church had taught him.
As Andrew and the man became better friends, they started praying and studying the Bible together. Andrew also began studying the Bible for himself. He discovered that the Bible said many things different from what he had learned, and he had many questions.
After learning all these things, Andrew had the opportunity to travel to the Vatican. He saw beautiful cathedrals, many statues, and relics. He even met the pope, but his visit did not answer his questions; it only created more.
Shortly after Andrew's return from Europe, his son fell deathly ill. He and his wife pleaded with God to heal their son, promising to work for Him if He answered their prayer. And He did! God miraculously healed Andrew's son, and Andrew and his wife began working as evangelists in a Catholic church, filling in for an absent priest.
But as they continued to study the Bible, they became fully convinced about worshipping on the Sabbath (Saturday) and not praying before statues.
They started sharing their Bible findings with their fellow Catholics. Although some resisted, they were able to start seven Bible centers and baptize more than 150 people.
Later, Andrew's Facebook friend, who first introduced him to the Sabbath, introduced him to a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, who was surprised to see Andrew already preaching the Sabbath and the three angel's messages.
Now Andrew has joined the SDA church and continues to work for God. He shares his testimony and studies the Bible with people so they can see what the Bible says for themselves. He believes Bible study is the best way to reach the Catholic people.
Andrew and his wife have served through times of hunger and hardship, and God has continued to grow their ministry. Last year, he helped to bring 80 people to baptism.
"We are grateful for God's guidance and support," Andrew shared. "God is good all the time, and we trust that He will continue to lead us to fulfill His purpose.
We are in the process of hiring Andrew and his wife, along with eight others who have been working with him, as Bible Workers. They are passionate about serving God and sharing Bible truth with their people.
We plan to share more about these new Bible Workers soon. In the meantime, please keep them in your prayers. Their work is not easy, and many people are not positive toward their ministry. But God is working all the same.
If God is leading you to invest in the ministries of these new Bible Workers and financially support their work, please click the button below.
-Contributed by Jesus for Asia