Bible Workers: Sensitive Countries

A Bible Worker was caught distributing Bibles in a country unfriendly to the Gospel. The authorities took him to his town’s leaders, who intensely interrogated him for five hours. They asked why he was doing all these things. At the end of the five hours, they told him he could leave.
“But before you go, could we each have a Bible?” The Bible Worker had just enough Bibles in his bag to fulfill their request.
Bible workers in sensitive countries like this one regularly face opposition to their work. The resistance may be social, like one Bible Worker whose neighbors stopped supporting his business after discovering he was a follower of Jesus. It may also involve physical persecution, like a Bible Worker who, for sharing the Gospel, was beaten in the eyes so severely that he had to have surgery. After he recovered, he continued to share and again was beaten until his eyes required surgery.
To them, however, serving Jesus is worth it. To them, persecution is not something to be surprised by or afraid of; the Bible said it would happen. So, day by day, they boldly share God’s Word with others. Because of their faithfulness, God is able to use them in powerful and sometimes unexpected ways, like in the first story above. We are inspired by their love for God and willingness to tell people about Jesus no matter the cost.
Will you join us in praying that God will continue to mightily use our Bible Workers in sensitive countries for His Glory?
We also have another prayer request: We recently learned about some significant needs and opportunities in a country we have yet to work in. This is a Muslim-majority country, and the local church leadership does not have the resources to hire workers. Lord willing, we would love to help the church’s efforts in this country by hiring Bible Workers to serve there.
One of the best people we know with experience in working with Muslims recently visited this country. The need burdened his heart, and now he wants to return to help train the workers to be more effective in ministry.
We have tried to start work in this country before but have encountered some challenges. Please pray that God will open the doors to start work there according to His plan and timing.
If God is leading you to invest in the ministries of Bible Workers serving in sensitive countries, please click the button below.
-Contributed by Jesus for Asia