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Abandoned Aid Post Reopens to Provide Vital Health Services

Ronald Luke

The Avi community has a population of more than 10,000 people who have been forced to travel many kilometers for medical attention.

Cutting the ribbon at the aid post reopening ceremony.

Western Highlands Mission’s (WHM) Health Department recently reopened an abandoned aid post at Omben, in Avi, Jiwaka, Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Closed for more than 30 years due to management and other related issues, the majority of the sick population had to seek medication elsewhere or even go without treatment. The Avi community has a population of more than 10,000 people who have been forced to travel many kilometers for medical attention.

Anitha Kup, WHM Health director, took on the challenge to resurrect the abandoned facility with the assistance of her husband, Francis.

“God is the owner, and we [the Mission] are showing our gratitude to God in a form of this service, so take care of it, and in return, it will take care of you,” said Anitha.

“I salute Omben Adventist local church members and the pastor and community for taking ownership of this facility,” said Francis at the reopening ceremony. “God recorded your efforts and will bless you for providing the church land, for constructing the aid post building and the health worker’s house.”

Representing the office of their district member of parliament at the reopening program, Thomas Peke also recognizes the impact the Adventist Church is having around the country. “In the early development days, the only Adventist health work done in our area was by Len Barnard, if I can [remember] this correctly. That was a long time ago, and today, I’m thrilled to see Adventist Mission leading in the health awareness and owning facilities like this,” Peke said.

At the reopening ceremony, the community handed over the administration and operation of the aid post to WHM. Millicent Bro, associate CFO, cut the ribbon to officially reopen the facility.

The original version of this story was posted on the South Pacific Division website, Adventist Record.


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